Griottines (1.8cl)

Griottines (1.8cl)
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  • Open the jar, grab a spoon, and help yourself!
  • Create a pan sauce for your duck, chicken, and pork dishes!
  • Garnish any cocktail with Griottines.
  • Add the juice in the jar to any cocktail or glass of champagne.
  • Put a few on top of a scoop or two of ice cream.
  • We love adding them to salads.
  • Dipped in melted chocolate. YUM!
  • Use in baking, topping a cookie or cupcake with Griottines.
  • In a blender with other fruits for a fruit smoothie.
  • In any dessert needing cherries, Griottines add an incredible extra dimension.

These small jars are perfect as little gifts, or as individual jars set out at each place setting. 3 cherries and a little kirsch in each jar.

1.8cl (18 milliliters); jar is about the size of a golf ball if you need a point of reference

Price: $2.95 Quantity
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