Be the first one to write a review - Open the jar, grab a spoon, and help yourself!
- Create a pan sauce for your duck, chicken, and pork dishes!
- Garnish any cocktail with Griottines.
- Add the juice in the jar to any cocktail or glass of champagne.
- Put a few on top of a scoop or two of ice cream.
We love adding them to salads.
Dipped in melted chocolate. YUM!
Use in baking, topping a cookie or cupcake with Griottines.
In a blender with other fruits for a fruit smoothie.
In any dessert needing cherries, Griottines add an incredible extra dimension.
These small jars are perfect as little gifts, or as individual jars set out at each place setting. 3 cherries and a little kirsch in each jar.
1.8cl (18 milliliters); jar is about the size of a golf ball if you need a point of reference